• Charname: HelloMDF____
  • Hours Played: 01 h 31 m
  • Race: Chinese
  • Level: 110
  • STR: 129
  • INT: 456
  • Guild: None
  • Job Type: None
  • Job Nick: None
  • Item Points: 79
  • PVP K/D: 26/17 (1.0)
  • JOB K/D: 0/0 (0.0)
  • Update at 11:18

Mirage Illusion Bow (+9)

Seal of Nova
Sorf of item: Bow
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy.atk.pwr. 2090.0 ~ 2429.0 (+61%)
Mag.def.pwr. 3344.0 ~ 3887.0 (+61%)
Durability 91/1438 (+61%)
Attack distance 18 m
Attack rate 235 (+61%)
Critical 10 (+61%)
Phy. reinforce 250 % ~ 306.3 % (+61%)
Mag. reinforce 399.9 % ~ 490.1 % (+61%)

Required level 101
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Increase
Blocking rate 100
Attack rate 60% Increase

Able to use Advanced elixir.


Sorf of item: Arrows/Bolts

Quantity 20000

Drako Sky God Hat (+7)

Seal of Nova
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Head
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 223.0 (+41%)
Mag.def.pwr. 477.0 (+41%)
Durability 76/88 (+41%)
Parry rate 31 (+41%)
Phy. reinforce 28.5 % (+41%)
Mag. reinforce 60.9 % (+41%)

Required level 101
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
HP 1300 Increase
MP 1300 Increase

Able to use Advanced elixir.

Drako Sky God Talisman (+7)

Seal of Nova
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Shoulder
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 179.0 (+41%)
Mag.def.pwr. 381.0 (+41%)
Durability 76/87 (+41%)
Parry rate 26 (+41%)
Phy. reinforce 23 % (+41%)
Mag. reinforce 49.2 % (+41%)

Required level 101
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase

Able to use Advanced elixir.

Drako Sky God Suit (+7)

Seal of Nova
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Chest
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 298.0 (+41%)
Mag.def.pwr. 634.0 (+41%)
Durability 79/88 (+41%)
Parry rate 40 (+41%)
Phy. reinforce 37.7 % (+41%)
Mag. reinforce 80.3 % (+41%)

Required level 101
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
HP 1300 Increase
MP 1300 Increase

Able to use Advanced elixir.

Drako Sky God Wristlet (+7)

Seal of Nova
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Hands
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 166.0 (+41%)
Mag.def.pwr. 354.0 (+41%)
Durability 74/87 (+41%)
Parry rate 24 (+41%)
Phy. reinforce 21.4 % (+41%)
Mag. reinforce 45.6 % (+41%)

Required level 101
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase

Able to use Advanced elixir.

Drako Sky God Trousers (+7)

Seal of Nova
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Legs
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 243.0 (+41%)
Mag.def.pwr. 519.0 (+41%)
Durability 78/88 (+41%)
Parry rate 33 (+41%)
Phy. reinforce 30.8 % (+41%)
Mag. reinforce 65.8 % (+41%)

Required level 101
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
HP 1300 Increase
MP 1300 Increase

Able to use Advanced elixir.

Drako Sky God Shoes (+7)

Seal of Nova
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Foot
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 210.0 (+41%)
Mag.def.pwr. 448.0 (+41%)
Durability 77/88 (+41%)
Parry rate 29 (+41%)
Phy. reinforce 26.9 % (+41%)
Mag. reinforce 57.3 % (+41%)

Required level 101
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase

Able to use Advanced elixir.

Jewel Earring (+7)

Seal of Nova
Sorf of item: Earring
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy. absorption 28 (+41%)
Mag. absorption 28 (+41%)

Required level 101
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
BurnHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
Freezing ,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce

Able to use Advanced elixir.

Jewel Necklace (+7)

Seal of Nova
Sorf of item: Necklace
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy. absorption 32.8 (+41%)
Mag. absorption 32.8 (+41%)

Required level 101
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
BurnHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
Freezing ,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce

Able to use Advanced elixir.

Jewel Ring (+7)

Seal of Nova
Sorf of item: Ring
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy. absorption 25.5 (+41%)
Mag. absorption 25.5 (+41%)

Required level 101
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
BurnHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
Freezing ,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce

Able to use Advanced elixir.

Jewel Ring (+7)

Seal of Nova
Sorf of item: Ring
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy. absorption 25.5 (+41%)
Mag. absorption 25.5 (+41%)

Required level 101
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
BurnHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
Freezing ,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce

Able to use Advanced elixir.

Electus Christmas Dress - Blue (F)

Sorf of item: Avatar Dress

Ignore Monster Defense 1 % Probability
Ignore Monster Defense 1 % Probability
Ignore Monster Defense 1 % Probability
Damage 5% Increase



Sorf of item: Avatar Hat

Parry rate 5% Increase
Damage Absorption 5% Increase


Electus Christmas Accessory - Blue (F)

Sorf of item: Avatar Accessory

Attack rate 5% Increase


Devil's Spirit A grade(F)

Sorf of item: Devil's Spirit


Unique kills:

# Unique Kills
No Unique kills

PVP kills & deaths:

# Killer Victim Date & Time
1 Nairobi HelloMDF____ 2024-09-21 02:14:54.797
2 HelloMDF____ Roger 2024-09-21 02:14:50.857
3 PowerOfLight HelloMDF____ 2024-09-21 02:14:36.627
4 HelloMDF____ Ruk 2024-09-21 02:14:30.860
5 Hostile HelloMDF____ 2024-09-21 02:14:20.983
6 Nairobi HelloMDF____ 2024-09-21 02:13:46.687
7 HelloMDF____ PowerOfLight 2024-09-21 02:13:41.657
8 FLOWE HelloMDF____ 2024-09-21 02:13:17.297
9 Hostile HelloMDF____ 2024-09-21 02:12:46.797
10 HelloMDF____ Roger 2024-09-21 02:12:39.250

Job kills & deaths:

# Killer Victim Date & Time
No Job kills/deaths

Global History:

Message Time
No globals
Información Del Servidor
  • Jugadores en linea: 50/9999
  • Tiempo del Servidor: 
  • CAP: 110
  • Raza: CH & EU
  • PC Limit: 2 (+1 Staller)
  • IP Limit: 4 (+1 Staller)
  • Guild Limite: TBA
  • Union Limite: TBA